Blueprint String
Create a blueprint with your pumpjacks and a single straight track placed anywhere.
(Shows options for modded entity names)
Modded Pumpjack Name
If your blueprint contains modded pumpjacks, specify the internal name of the pumpjack (use underscores, not dashes)
Train Station Side
Train Enter From
If chosen, inserts 3 of the selected module in each pumpjack.
Custom Module Name
Only necessary when using mods with custom module names.
Include Radar
Include Lights
Turret Type
Turret Spacing
Walls Enabled
Wall Thickness
Wall Space
Distance between edge of outpost and walls. Minimum 3 to support laser turrets.
Include Train Station
Provide Exit Route
Useful for single-headed trains (with locomotives on a single side)
Locomotive Count
Number of locomotives at the beginning of the train.
Fluid Wagon Count
Tank Count
Number of buffer tanks before each fluid wagon.
Custom Tiles (Optional)
Only necessary when using mods with custom tile names.
Border Tiles
Covers the walls and tile inside with the specified tile type.
Custom Border Tiles (Optional)
Track Tiles
Covers and surrounds tracks with the specified tile type.
Custom Track Tiles (Optional)